Kylie is called to serve in the Nevada Reno Mission

Kylie is called to serve in the Nevada Reno Mission

Monday, May 16, 2016

Friends and family-

     Ahhh this week was super good, to say the least!  We found this new investigator that we started teaching, she's a cute single mom with two little boys.  She has grown up with a ton of LDS family and went to primary and seminary but never actually had been offered the missionary lessons or anything like that... that was kind of a slap in the face to hear and made me think about all the people in my life who may have been super close to the gospel but I never shared it with them!! wowza- member missionary work is so important never forget!!
     We MLC this week and it was wwwayyyy good- 2 cool stories.  2 men from the mission department in Salt Lake came and they and president chestnut and sister chesnut all chose missionaries to go out and work with and sister chesnut came with us which was soo fun!  She's the cutest.  Also while she was with us she said that Brother Hemingway, who was one of the guys from Salt Lake had asked about me and wanted to meet me.. i was like whaaat?  When I met him he came up and said "I was with your grandfather Ron Kump last week giving him a temple recommend"  I almost started crying- such a cool tender mercy!!  On top of that, his training was amazing and basically a turning point for my mission.  
     On Saturday a sweet little 9 year old boy got baptized who I had taught when we were in a trio.  His dad is single and has recently came back to church- he got  to baptize him and bore his testimony at the end.  So tender!!
     Yesterday was probably on my list of top 5 best days of my mission.   PHIL AND HIS DAUGHTER CAME TO CHURCH!!!  Phils health finally allowed him to come and he loved it!  We were talking to him after sacrament and he said that they were planning on only staying for sacrament but they felt so good that they decided to stay all 3 hours.. the ward was so nice and helpful and it was the best ever.  Later that night we had an FHE at the Mahlers (our ward mission leader), with Phils WHOLE family, and the Phillips (recent convert family).  The Mahlers showed them all how they do family home evening and the lesson was on family history- for the activity each parent took 2 kids and told them something crazy they had done when they were younger and then they had to come act it out for us all to guess.  It was so cute and fun and everyone had such a good time and got along so well!  Ahh I love being a missionary.
     Okay so I have been thinking about the Book of Mormon a lot lately so I wanted to leave you guys with my testimony-  Before my mission, I really did not know much about the Book of Mormon, nor did I have a very deep love for it.  I couldn't even tell you that I knew that Jesus Christ appeared to the people in the Americas and how significant that event was.  Now- after I truly have studied and made a conscious effort to love and learn from it, I know who Jesus Christ.  I know what He has done for us, and although I may never be able to comprehend all that that entails, I feel I have a stronger grasp on the reality of all that He went through and I have full confidence that he would have still done it for me, even if I was the only mortal being on the face of the earth.  I have gained this testimony through reading and pondering the words of prophets who testified of Him in the Book of Mormon and I know that if anyone has a desire to know or Savior Jesus Christ more, that book is the way.

Sister Paul

PS- I was doing high knees and fell the other day.... my anke is swollen and black and blue lol so this first picture you see here basically sums up my life of having a struggling ankle and still walking around all day.. taking every opportunity to rest while at home

2. my companions cute and wears my glasses

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